Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chaotic Space Peace

We're going to space! It is the space shuttle Discovery's final mission, and we are part of the many members embarking on it. It's a short mission, and one that will end in chaos. We are trained to eject from the spacecraft in pairs, to fall into earth's ocean upon our return. the day has come, and we take our seats. Excitement flows throughout our bodies, and through again. We can only look up, high into the sky, and out into space where our destination awaits us. I breath. I prepare. I focus. Everything goes silent moments before take-off. There we together find that chaotic peace just before something really big is about to unfold before you. And such a thing did unfold, as the thrusters ignited, and we found ourselves accelerating away from this confining planet, and up, up, and away into the great majesty that is space. The journey is shaky, but short. Within minutes we the boosters are dropped to the earth's surface, and we are soaring freely in the sky above; rather, the space above, no longer ahead of us, but now here with us, here with me. Me, in space, a child's dream fulfilled in the young man that I am. A dream, complete. I am whole. I am new. I am real. I am perfection. Caught in peaceful suspension in a place of supreme beauty, we float, and I take my first gaze out the small window I find nearest myself. My breath is stolen, and I am frozen. A similar, silent chaotic peace floods through my veins, rushing to bring serenity to my bones. This is the truest form of enlightenment. Right here, right now, in this moment, I am truly alive. My suspended consciousness is interrupted by a thrusting of the engines beneath us. A violent shaking ravages the cabin as we strap ourselves back into out seats. The mission has all too quickly come to an end, and it now time for our return to our prison of a planet we call Earth. Every time the boosters kick in, I grab tightly at the chair as the atmosphere grows extreme with intensity. They thrust us back in the direction of our dirty sphere, turning on, then off. Then on. Then off. On. Off. On. Off. On. And at the end of the final boost, we plummet through the fiery atmosphere at lightning speeds, without catching a break. No time to breath. We dive, dive, dive...until we decide it is time. Time to pull the lever. With a quick glance at my partner, we pull without reluctance and instantly find ourselves flying through the air. We are meant to land in the ocean water, close to the shore. Most of the others do just that, without fail. But not us, not I. I am headed straight for the concrete wall, right where it meets the water. I know I'm not going to be ok. As this realization makes its home in my mind, my head hits a side rail above the wall, and my body smashes against the concrete. My body is broken into two, a headless, lifeless body, which falls to the floor of the ocean, and a head, rolling up onto the sidewalk. I am not dead. I am still conscious. I watch as my crew mates gather themselves and leave for land. I watch as I am left alone to die. Life slowly escapes me, and I fade into the darkness. A final chaotic peace joins me in this new journey, and I am gone. It has been a good day.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Electric Fight Balloon

Rampage. This guy is frightening us all with his mighty anger. He is huge, the size of three men, muscles bulging and tough as a rock. Who is he looking for? He rages and flails about on the roadway and as a mere man approaches him to try to help ease the situation, the beast disregards the man's soft words and swings his giant arm in the man's direction. Just before his clenched fist makes contact with the head of the same size, a monster truck is generated and brought into reality out of thin air, growing from his hand and releasing in a split second. And instead of getting his head pounded in, the man is hit head on by the large truck, and his body is broken into pieces, some of him on the grill and front portion of the vehicle, and the rest on the roof, stuck there.
We must go. He's going to catch us. Let's go, Let's go, Let's go! Friends, maybe family, and I are in a van, which moments ago was a truck that just smashed some guy to bits. We are driving, constantly accelerating, for they may be on to us. We aren't even entirely sure shy these men want to chase us down, but we know they are bad, and will show no mercy if they get their hands on us. So down the road we go, away from all the people, onto some large roadway passing between two forests. Have we lost them? We can feel them breathing down our necks. Where are they going to attack from? What is their next move? ... "They don't have too many options at this point." says the driver. I beg to differ, "No, expect anything, they could do-" SLAM! Something on the roof! What is that? A big circular thing has attached itself to the center of the van's roof, but exactly what it is no one could tell. We wonder for a few moments or so, when suddenly it shoots out of the object up high into the air above, a ballon. They are turning the van into a giant hot-air balloon. Behind the tree-line on both sides of us, we see them rising in their own balloons, smiling devilishly in our direction. We all fly high into the sky unknowing where we are going to eventually land. Even they seem to not know exactly how this is going to work. We are tossed about by the wind for a good while, and we finally find ourselves over a large open field with a few very tall power lines running through it. We crash into the one of these lines, and everyone is thrown off the van, and into the open air, but luckily everyone grabs a part of the line or the power structure, and isn't electrocuted. The enemy, however, crash lands on the ground a few hundred feet off. It is dark now, and fear is taking its place in all of us. I get to the ground very quickly, while everyone else is having a hard time getting untangled and recovering from the impact. I must keep them safe. I must ward off these evil bastards before they reach my friends. They are walking steadily in our direction. I find a metal object, fit enough for a weapon. One of the two large men after us is nearby, but walking away from me, his back turned. I don't waste a second, and make my way to him, and jab the metal into his back. His shirtless body is extremely tough though, and I can't get it in very far, not more than a centimeter, so I drag it across to inflict as much damage as I can, when he turns around and smiles (though you can tell pain was definitely searing though his body). I run far away, toward my friends. He chases me, but at a much slower pace. And suddenly, not one, not two, but something like 8 vehicles show up with people we know in them, practically an army of young men and women who could put up a good fight against these giant men. They are scared, and it takes no more than a little bit of threatening before the two foes have disappeared into the night. They help us retrieve our friends from the power lines, and we feel very secure in the presence of each other, looking out for and caring for each other. All smiles, and we pack up and drive into the night and continue on our journey.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fire Teeth

The end of the world? Might Earth turn into a raging fireball at any second? Scientists are saying that this will simply pass. It is the closest our world has ever come to the sun, orbiting strangely like this every hundreds or thousands of years. Mankind, us, I, wake up one morning to the most powerful, bright spectacle our generation of humans will ever see. The sun. We are thousands of miles closer, and the great ball of fire familiar to our sky has increased its apparent size by hundreds of times, filling a large portion of the sky, much more orange in color, with frizzling edges, perfectly round in nature. It shines with great magnitude, proving its eminence over the creatures of the earth. Some are afraid, and some claim to be trusting, trusting in the words of the authorities and the experts, that all will be well and that earth will return to its usual orbit in a short time. I don't believe them. I think it's probably just something they are saying to keep the poor humans calm and hopeful, although imminent doom is upon us all. I keep this notion to myself. We are on the move, driving down the freeway in a few small cars, each packed full of people. There is great hustle and bustle in the car I am riding in, arguments and loud conversations flying through the air, sucking up all the oxygen. It feels claustrophobic, but we are out and in the open air in no time. Walking down the street, I feel something strange in my mouth. My tooth is loose. My tooth is out! Detached from its home in the gums of my mouth. More teeth are quickly becoming loose, and one by one a few more teeth come right out of their sockets. And next thing I know, half my teeth are swishing around in my mouth! I spit them out and show the person with me. We are both shocked. What could this mean? What is happening here? Does this have anything at all to do with the sun and our unusual orbit as of late? There is found no explanation, no reason is discovered. The answers remain hidden. We are lost. Lost beings on a doomed planet. Teethless.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Darkness. Despair. Fear. Cold. Atmosphere of absolute evil. Therewithin I am, alone and alone. I pace up and down the dark streets where I find nothing but sad people anticipating some fearful approach of evil, and straight cold darkness. We can feel it in our very beings, eating at the core of our souls, tearing us down and reducing us to worthless creatures, breathing but not living. Chain link fences follow the inner city road, lined with black covering, and the apartment buildings are void of light. No cars are to be seen or heard. No motion. Everything is dead, quiet, still, silent. I find slight comfort in a holy gathering inside a structure nearby, but even this does not live long. A strange old couple, whose presence feels as that of demons, come and join our meeting, staging a front to disguise themselves of their nature. I knew it though. Oh, how I felt it. That deep dark damned evil oozing out of their pores, their eyes. I had to leave. I had to find her. She is my only light in this place. Where is she. Here I am pacing the street again, wandering aimlessly, in hopes that if I could just get close enough, I might feel the light emanating from her soul. Up and down, up and down, down and up the God-forsaken roads I wander, when I catch it. A glimpse of purity, of calm, of comfort. It is hidden, under the arm of this man. He is merely trying to care for her, to keep her warm, to act as a shield against the darkness, but without delay or hesitation, I snatch her away from his care, and into my own. I hold her close, and closer still. She is now mine, and I will keep her here so very close to me. I won't let go. The darkness may be swallowing the world whole all around us, but it cannot touch this.

Friday, April 23, 2010


We're here! We are finally here! We are at Disneyworld, atop the peak of a very high, cold mountain. We park in the lot on the other side of the street, requiring us to use the hand zip-rail mechanism to cross high above the road to the other side. It's her and I, but not the her it should be. It is another. What am I doing here with her? Why have I come alone to such a place with the wrong girl? My emotions are scrambled, and my thoughts more so. We have a wonderful day and are now leaving when she turns to me and says, "How could you ask both of us to be yours? What is wrong with you?" I don't remember doing this, and how could I have? That's not an easy mistake to make. Anger and confusion and frustration set in and flood the atmosphere with such intensity. What have I done. There she is, confused and frustrated, with the most pitiful look on her face. The initial she is gone, fled perhaps, out of our sight, and the right remains, with me, ready to embark on a crazy journey down the mountain. This place is somewhere in the middle of a steep, soaring mountain range, somewhere far removed and desolate, besides the famed theme park at its highest heights. Mountains everywhere you look, the most jagged edges, nothing is smooth, all is rock with patches of snow here and there. We drive down the mountain, at speeds way too high, cutting the dangerous corners so very close to the edge. The road is a single lane for both directions, unpaved and right on the edge, thousands of feet to the base, no guardrails. Yet I drive on, at high speed, as if I have no control or ability to slow or stop, sliding left and right and inching further over the cliff with every turn, barely dodging oncoming traffic. Down and down we go, as dangerously as possible, until it happens. Our fearful imagination comes true, we are over the edge. We jump out of the vehicle as it happens, and before flying over into the darkness, we catch the edge of the cliff, with the slightest grip. Fear. Intense, life-threatening fear. If I lose this shallow grip, I am gone. She is just a few feet up, struggling as well. I scream to her, we can get out of this, we can make it through if we work together, we must pull through. Much struggle endures for 10 minutes, but what felt like a small eternity, before I finally get a chance to push her up to safety. But I feel weaker and on the brink now more than ever. She comes to my rescue without wasting any time, and I am pulled up to be with her again. Safe. Sound. Still. Alive. Two faceless others arrive on the scene. They check our status, and seeing that we are well, come up with the most unlikely idea. Jump. Let's jump. Oh the thrill. We agree. And before we really understand what we're doing, the bliss of adventure takes us all, four in total, over the edge in unison. We occasionally bounce upon the jagged cliff. I hold her hand, her face, her body. Love and thrill overtakes us and perfect joy is produced as we sing, smiling, falling, loving, all the way to the bottom. Ten thousand feet.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I want that. I need that. I have it. Well, my dad has it. I didn't see that happening, but it is, and I accept that. The Apple iPad. This huge mall-like structure has it all: the biggest starbucks that stretches for eternity, a giant costco-like store with more fruit than any can imagine, and Apple products on every corner. She is here, with me, by my side as I wander in a daze in sheer amazement of my glorious surroundings. I'm somewhat expecting a faraway friend's visit, but not fully, when she appears and quickly comes up to me with the hugest expression on her face. It is so good to see her again, in person. But there is a problem. The new device we just purchased is broken, and not only that, it is lost, left behind, probably forgotten for a moment when visiting the land of eternal coffee. We return with haste, and there she is, already there, iPad in hand, fiddling with the various features as much as the limited electronics could perform. I hesitate to allow this to go on, and snatch it away with extreme caution. There is a fight, but not between us, no in the least, but between two men on the far side of the shopping center. Everyone is gathering, I must be there, with this device in hand, before the match may commence. We all rush once more all the way there, and we arrive, ready as ever, only to find the officials confused and demanding some sort of prerequisite. We all stand and wait in disappointment. When will it begin? Who will win? Will any serious injury ensue? Will we ever know?

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Sitting on a couch in a room full of people I love, I get a phone call. "Heyyyy!" The weird thing is, you're right here, not on the phone. Oh, it's simply your other self. You see, one version of you is here, with me in this state, lovely, beautiful, brunette you, and the other version is there, miles upon miles across the way, curls, blonde, crazy. Here you queries as to who is on the line, and I answer, "It's your other self." You're eyes become instantly ecstatic with excitement as you gesture desire to use the phone, to have the chance to speak to this other you far, far away. I withhold. You persevere. I drift into another world watching you and only you so closely as you look my way and smile in playful cheer. I'm taken to another place, a place of utter joy and love, love for all that is you. I see your face, your eyes, and into your soul. In this moment, there is perfect peace, silence of the mind. There is only you.