Thursday, April 15, 2010


I want that. I need that. I have it. Well, my dad has it. I didn't see that happening, but it is, and I accept that. The Apple iPad. This huge mall-like structure has it all: the biggest starbucks that stretches for eternity, a giant costco-like store with more fruit than any can imagine, and Apple products on every corner. She is here, with me, by my side as I wander in a daze in sheer amazement of my glorious surroundings. I'm somewhat expecting a faraway friend's visit, but not fully, when she appears and quickly comes up to me with the hugest expression on her face. It is so good to see her again, in person. But there is a problem. The new device we just purchased is broken, and not only that, it is lost, left behind, probably forgotten for a moment when visiting the land of eternal coffee. We return with haste, and there she is, already there, iPad in hand, fiddling with the various features as much as the limited electronics could perform. I hesitate to allow this to go on, and snatch it away with extreme caution. There is a fight, but not between us, no in the least, but between two men on the far side of the shopping center. Everyone is gathering, I must be there, with this device in hand, before the match may commence. We all rush once more all the way there, and we arrive, ready as ever, only to find the officials confused and demanding some sort of prerequisite. We all stand and wait in disappointment. When will it begin? Who will win? Will any serious injury ensue? Will we ever know?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im curious as to whether or not there are two different shes you refer to or each time the same one?