Sunday, March 16, 2008


What are they?
Where do they come from?
Why are they so strange?
Yet so familiar?
Why are they made up of the images and places and people and events as they are?

This blog will not answer these questions, for no one completely truly can. It may attempt at times. But do not hope for real answers.
No, the purpose here is simply a record, a memoir. It is a hobby of mine to record my dreams, just jotting down a few key words, in hopes of never forgetting the adventures experienced only when lying in a peaceful, unconscious state. That state where your consciousness has moved, from one body in the physical, tangible universe, to another in some unknown land, where things are different, sometimes very different, or not different at all. It is that real place where anything is possible, and nothing is holding anyone back from absolute freedom, a chance to experience something else, alternate lives, alternate situations.

It is that place of else. Other. The extraordinary.

It is my hope that you may enjoy (or taste the fear of, or feel, or experience...) my experiences with me, as I jump out of this reality into another from night to night.

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